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Empowering Gender Equality in Zambia’s Energy Sector 

The Zambia Gender and Energy Network (ZGEN), established under the Ministry of Energy, plays a pivotal role in advancing gender-balanced development within the country’s energy sector. 

Recognizing the crucial connection between gender mainstreaming and achieving a sustainable and clean energy transition, the Zambian Government has committed to integrating gender equality into its policies, plans, and energy-related initiatives.

The National Gender Policy (2014) underscores the significance of considering gender attributes and opportunities in all socio-cultural aspects. 

In response to the impactful role of gender dynamics in the energy sector, the Zambian government has proactively embedded gender considerations into normative frameworks. 

This emphasis on acknowledging diverse needs and experiences is aimed at ensuring equitable benefits for both genders and preventing the perpetuation of inequality.

A vital milestone in promoting gender-balanced development is the establishment of the Zambia Gender and Energy Network (ZGEN) by the Ministry of Energy. 

Originally founded in 2010 and re-launched in 2022 with support from the USAID-funded Alternatives to Charcoal (A2C) project, ZGEN serves as a platform advocating for the effective implementation of gender-related policy measures outlined in the National Energy Policy.

Aligning its efforts with strategic frameworks like the Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan (GESAP), ZGEN focuses on gender-specific requirements within the energy sector. 

Operating as a collaborative network, ZGEN draws expertise from various sectors, including government ministries, statutory bodies, traditional authorities, cooperating partners, academia, specialized agencies, and the private sector. 

The overarching goal is to spearhead initiatives that prioritize gender equality and inclusivity within Zambia’s energy landscape.

By actively engaging stakeholders, ZGEN aims to ensure the sustained and impactful implementation of gender mainstreaming in the country’s energy policies and practices. 

Through its collaborative approach, ZGEN envisions a future where gender equality becomes an integral and intrinsic component of Zambia’s energy development, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable energy sector for all.

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