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Serious Investment Needed in Zambia’s Healthcare to Tackle Cholera Crisis

As the cholera outbreak in Zambia continues to escalate to alarming levels since October last year, Economic Analyst Kelvin Chisanga underscores the critical need for substantial investments in healthcare infrastructure.

Mr. Chisanga emphasizes the necessity of adopting a comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach to effectively combat the root causes of the ongoing crisis.

Cholera in Zambia typically surges during the rainy season, particularly in October, due to inadequate drainage systems and water-related issues, especially in poorly planned areas like Lusaka.

Mr. Chisanga highlights the critical importance of adopting a dual strategy, focusing on both water and sanitation infrastructure and enhancing the responsiveness of healthcare and hospital management. 

He suggests that a more proactive and research-driven approach is necessary to mitigate the high number of cases, reduce business losses, and prevent fatalities, particularly in regions like Lusaka, where mortality rates are notably high.

While acknowledging the relatively increased budget allocation for the health sector in the 2024 fiscal year, Mr. Chisanga underscores the importance of allocating resources for research and development. 

He emphasizes the need to implement measures that can predict and respond to potential health hazards before they escalate into full-blown outbreaks.

Mr. Chisanga advocates for a robust healthcare system capable of swift responses to emerging health challenges and outbreaks. 

He emphasizes the significance of creating mechanisms that can identify and address potential health risks proactively. 

According to an economist Chisanga, the current health crisis not only poses a threat to public health but also jeopardizes Zambia’s socio-economic development goals outlined in Vision 2030 and the Eighth National Development Plan.

In conclusion, he asserts that a healthy nation is a prerequisite for a healthy economy. Urgent and strategic investments in healthcare infrastructure, coupled with research and development initiatives, are imperative to safeguard public health and propel the nation toward its socio-economic development objectives.

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