AgricultureBreaking NewsClimate Change/ESG

Dr. Bulaya Advocates for Urgent Investment in Seed Research and Development

The Agriculture Climate Action Foundation emphasizes the critical importance of seed research and development in ensuring food security and boosting the economy. 

The statement particularly applauds the Zambia Agriculture  Research Institute (ZARI) for its contribution to the agricultural sector, citing the positive impact of its rainfed wheat production.

Oliver Bulaya, the Executive Director of the Agriculture Climate Action Foundation, commended ZARI for its proactive approach in addressing challenges faced by the country’s seed sector. 

He highlighted the institute’s role in preserving and producing high-quality seeds, essential for adapting to changing climate conditions.

Dr. Bulaya pointed out ZARI’s success in producing maize seeds tolerant to armyworms in 2022, a crucial development given the economic and environmental challenges posed by these pests. 

He urged the government to allocate additional resources to ZARI for further research and development of early maturing seeds resistant to armyworms, emphasizing the potential impact on food security and the nation’s economy.

Additionally, Dr. Bulaya encouraged farmers to diversify their crops, moving away from monoculture. This shift, he argued, would mitigate the risk of complete crop losses, ultimately reducing poverty levels among farmers. 

Embracing crop diversification with a focus on resilience to climate change and pest tolerance is crucial for sustainable agricultural practices.

The Agriculture Climate Action Foundation highlights the need for collective efforts to invest in resilient agricultural practices, safeguarding against potential risks and ensuring a more sustainable future for Zambia’s agriculture.

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