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Chinese Mining Investors Extend Partnership Proposal to Local Small-Scale Miners in Zambia

Chinese mining investors have expressed their readiness to establish a long-term partnership with local small-scale miners, according to Vice President Xin Wang of the Zambia Chinese Association Copperbelt Chapter. The proposed collaboration aims to prevent mining tragedies, such as the recent Senseli Mine incident. 

Mr. Wang emphasized that this partnership would enhance the safety standards of small-scale mining activities.

During a donation event for the Senseli mine accident victims’ families, Mr. Wang outlined the potential benefits of the planned partnership. 

He suggested that a win-win situation could be achieved by issuing relevant mining permits to cooperatives, allowing Chinese investors to invest in equipment and technology for mineral processing. This, in turn, could contribute to minimizing fatalities in mining operations.

As a gesture of support, the Chinese Association donated assorted food items valued at K1000 to a survivor and an additional K5000 to the families of the deceased victims. 

The donation included K5000 in cash, two bags of Mealie-Meal, 2.5 liters of cooking oil, 4 kg of sugar, washing paste, bathing soap, and a bucket for each affected family.

Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi expressed gratitude for the Chinese Community’s donation, emphasizing its significant assistance to the affected families. 

Beneficiary Grace Mbuyisa also conveyed appreciation for the support, acknowledging the challenges that families face in the aftermath of the mining accident that claimed the lives of over 30 small-scale miners.

 Source: ZANIS

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