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Public Gatherings and National Ball Postponed for Public Safety

In response to the ongoing Cholera outbreak in certain areas, the Zambia Police Service has issued an urgent advisory urging the public to exercise extreme caution and responsibility. The call comes as health authorities have declared a Cholera outbreak, necessitating immediate attention and concerted efforts from the community.

Rae Hamoonga, the Police Public Relations Officer, emphasized the paramount importance of the health and safety of citizens, urging them to refrain from organizing or participating in public processions until further notice. Public gatherings, especially in the form of processions, pose a significant risk of exacerbating the spread of the disease.

The Zambia Police Service, in collaboration with relevant health authorities, strongly advises against holding public processions until the Cholera situation is under control. The public is urged to prioritize well-being by avoiding large gatherings and complying with health guidelines.

In light of the Cholera outbreak and for the sake of public safety, the Zambia Police Service National Ball, originally scheduled for Friday, January 12, 2024, has been postponed to a later date. The rescheduled date will be announced once the situation permits the safe holding of such a gathering.

The Police Service expressed appreciation for the understanding and cooperation of the public during these challenging times. Their commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens remains unwavering. Citizens are encouraged to stay tuned to official channels and local news sources for further updates and information.

In the spirit of unity, the Zambia Police Service calls on the public to join hands in combating the Cholera outbreak and safeguarding the health of the community. Together, collective efforts can overcome this challenge.

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