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First Family Donates Essentials to Nalolo Community

Republican President Hakainde Hichilema and First Lady Mutinta Hichilema have extended their generosity to the community of Nalolo Constituency in Western Province. The First Family donated 38 bales of second-hand clothes, two wheelchairs, and one bicycle to the residents of the region.

United Party for National Development (UPND) National Chairperson General for Special Duties, William Banda, represented the First Family during the donation ceremony at Muoyo Youth Resource Center, emphasizing that these items were intended as New Year presents for the 12 Wards of Nalolo Constituency.

Mr. Banda urged the community to make optimal use of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), emphasizing its significance in fostering local development. “The President has given you the CDF; therefore, instead of misusing it, use it to develop your area,” he urged.

Taking a broader perspective, Mr. Banda also appealed to the community and leaders in Western Province to steer clear of talks centered around tribalism. He questioned the accusations of tribalism against President Hichilema, highlighting that individuals from all regions of the country deserve appointments based on their merit as Zambians.

Expressing gratitude, Western Province Minister Kapelwa Mbangweta and Nalolo District Commissioner Namatama Mupo conveyed their appreciation to the First Family. Mr. Mbangweta expressed the province’s gratitude, emphasizing the significance of the generous gifts delivered by Mr. Banda on behalf of the First Family.

Ms. Mupo assured that the donated items, including second-hand clothes, wheelchairs, and a bicycle, would be put to good use, particularly highlighting the joy the parcels would bring to the women of the community.

The donation underscores the First Family’s commitment to uplifting communities and fostering a spirit of unity and development throughout Zambia.

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