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Cholera Awareness: Artistic Campaign Launch

The Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Arts in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and prominent artists is set to launch a creative and engaging Cholera Awareness Campaign in Lusaka. 

Permanent Secretary for Arts, Fumba Chama, visited the Lusaka Play House today to witness a series of drama and theatre performances organized in preparation for the upcoming campaign.

Mr. Chama expressed his satisfaction with the collaborative efforts of his ministry, the Ministry of Health, and various stakeholders in the country to address the cholera pandemic, which has already affected approximately 4,301 lives.

The Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Arts, through the National Arts Council of Zambia, has partnered with the Zambia Popular Theatre Alliance and the National Arts Theatre Association of Zambia. 

This strategic alliance aims to infuse the campaign with artistic elements, leveraging the power of creativity and innovation to effectively communicate the importance of cholera prevention and hygiene practices.

As part of the campaign, a lineup of diverse artists and celebrities from Lusaka will actively participate in theater and drama performances, utilizing their influence to raise awareness about the cholera pandemic. 

These performances will not only entertain but also convey crucial information on preventive measures, sanitation, and the significance of community involvement in combating the spread of cholera.

The initiative marks a unique approach to public health awareness, recognizing the influential role that the arts can play in conveying vital messages to diverse audiences. By harnessing the talents of local artists, the campaign aims to reach a broader demographic and foster a sense of community engagement in the fight against cholera.

The Ministry anticipates that this innovative campaign will not only contribute to raising awareness but also inspire behavioral change, encouraging the adoption of hygienic practices that can mitigate the impact of the cholera pandemic in Lusaka and beyond.

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