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2024 a Year for Advancing Anti-Corruption Efforts and Enhancing Service Delivery

Secretary to the Cabinet, Patrick Kangwa, pronounced 2024 as a pivotal year for the Zambia Police Service, underscoring the government’s dedication to advancing the fight against corruption and enhancing efficiency in service delivery. 

The announcement was made during the launch of the Zambia Police Service Commission’s 2023–2026 Strategic Plan on January 5th, 2024, at the Government Complex in Lusaka.

Mr. Kangwa emphasized the timeliness of the strategic plan’s launch, coinciding with the Zambia Police Service’s notable achievements, including recognition from the Anti-Corruption Commission for their commendable efforts in combatting corruption. 

He expressed the government’s gratitude for the Commission’s pivotal role in human resource management within the Zambia Police Service and the Immigration Department, acknowledging the substantial impact of their contributions and the successful implementation of e-governance strategies.

At the same event, Zambia Police Service Commission Chairperson, Peter Machungwa, outlined the Commission’s transition into a new era marked by rebranding and repositioning through the implementation of the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. 

Dr. Machungwa underscored the plan’s vision, aiming to establish a smart and credible human resource service provider that enhances human resource management, fosters partnerships with stakeholders, and ensures efficient operations and governance. The ultimate goal is to achieve high-quality service delivery that aligns with the evolving needs of the community.

The strategic plan reflects a commitment to modernize and elevate the Zambia Police Service, fostering a responsive and accountable law enforcement agency. 

As 2024 unfolds, the government and the Police Service Commission are poised to work collaboratively to realize the outlined objectives, ensuring that the Zambia Police Service remains at the forefront of safeguarding public safety and upholding the rule of law in the nation.

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