Breaking NewsClimate Change/ESG

Zambians Demonstrate Growing Commitment to Climate Change Action

Joseph Mbinji, the Project Manager of the National Adaptation Programme (NAP), highlighted a positive shift in Zambian attitudes towards climate change during a visit to the Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) and Resources Efficiency (AWARE) projects.

Mr. Mbinji noted that more Zambians are taking climate change seriously, recognizing the impact of events such as high temperatures, floods, and droughts on their livelihoods.

A multi-stakeholder meeting was held in Mumbwa, bringing together representatives from the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, the Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation, officials from the Provincial Administration Office, and private sector representatives. The focus of the meeting was on creating awareness and sharing information related to climate change.

During a site visit to the Molodoni Community Demonstration Site and Kapepe Project site, it was observed that project beneficiaries were actively participating and taking ownership of the initiatives. The beneficiaries, having undergone training, were successfully implementing sustainable practices, enabling year-round crop cultivation through water harvesting.

The visit highlighted an unconventional approach to knowledge transfer, emphasizing skills development and capacity building as essential for long-term sustainability. 

Furthermore, the appreciation for forests has increased, leading to community engagement in bee hive projects and the cultivation of diverse tree species.

Joseph Mbinji expressed satisfaction with the observed efforts, stating, “The projects we visited demonstrate the ongoing work of various organizations collaborating with communities to address climate change. The high levels of participation and ownership by beneficiaries are critical for achieving success and sustainability.”

Looking ahead, Mr. Mbinji urged the integration of climate change adaptation into local Integrated Development Plans, including the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), to enhance resilience. 

He also emphasized the importance of coordination among different stakeholders to facilitate cross-learning and prevent duplication of efforts in the fight against climate change.

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