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Headteacher Arrested for Corruption Involving Over K1.7 Million

The Headteacher of Masaiti Secondary School, Azan Mungala, aged 52, has been arrested and charged by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) for corrupt practices amounting to more than K1.7 million. 

The arrest is in connection with one count of Willful Failure to Comply with Applicable Guidelines, as per Section 34(2)(b) read with Section 41 of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012.

The ACC alleges that between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2016, Mungala, as the Headteacher of Masaiti Boarding Secondary School, willfully failed to comply with applicable procurement guidelines related to the authorization of payments totaling K1,787,273.00. This transaction involved the Ministry of Education, a public body.

Mr. Mungala, residing at House No. 2 Masaiti Boarding Teachers Compound, has been released on bond and is expected to appear in court soon.

In a separate incident, the ACC in Choma has also arrested and charged Oniver Chingobe Mazoka, a Fisheries and Livestock Officer in Mazabuka, for corrupt practices involving over K7,500.00. Mazoka, aged 41, has been charged with eight counts of Obtaining Goods by False Pretense under Section 309 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

The charges against Mazoka allege that between October 8, 2022, and October 27, 2022, in Mazabuka District of Southern Province, he obtained various amounts of money totaling K7,650.00 from different individuals on behalf of farmers in the Mugoto Settlement area. 

He purported that the funds were for mapping or demarcating their village when, in reality, it was not.

Mr. Mazoka, residing at Hillside KLB Mazabuka, has also been released on bond and is scheduled to appear in court soon.

Timothy Moono, Head of Corporate Communications for the ACC, provided this information in a media release. The arrests highlight the commitment of the ACC to combat corruption and ensure accountability within public institutions.

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