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Drivers Applaud Government’s Market Order Initiative

The Bus and Taxi Drivers Association has expressed satisfaction with the government’s proactive measures to maintain order and safety in markets and bus stations nationwide. The association particularly lauded the absence of political cadres interfering in the day-to-day operations of these crucial public spaces.

According to an official statement released by Mr. Chila Namaiko, the Public Relations Officer in the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Mr. Andrew Sichamba, Secretary-General of the Manja-Pamodzi Bus and Taxi Drivers Association of Copperbelt Province, commended the government’s decision to eliminate political cadres from these areas. 

This move, he stated, has empowered drivers to willingly fulfill their obligation of paying daily levies to Council officers.

Mr. Sichamba expressed optimism that the government’s gesture, by ensuring a conducive operational atmosphere without interference or extortion, would encourage all drivers to actively contribute to the development of the country.

During a courtesy call on Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon Gary Nkombo, MP, Mr. Sichamba conveyed the Association’s confidence that practical measures to safeguard public funds would result in quality service delivery by local authorities.

“We are happy to see that sanity is being restored in markets and bus stations. We shall support our Councils to ensure levies are collected freely,” he affirmed.

Mr. Sichamba also urged the government to engage bus and taxi owners to enhance the salaries and working conditions of drivers. In response, Hon Nkombo emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring a harassment-free environment for every citizen.

The Minister expressed his delight at the positive changes observed by the drivers, highlighting the ongoing efforts to restore order and management in bus stations and markets across the country.

Additionally, Hon Nkombo encouraged the bus and taxi drivers to explore the formation of cooperatives. This, he suggested, would enable them to access the Constituency Development Fund for various business ventures, aligning with the government’s empowerment creation strategies. 

The Minister’s advice aimed to further enhance the economic well-being of the drivers and foster sustainable development within the community.

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