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Zambia’s Local Authorities Embrace Digital Transformation for Developmental Transparency

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in Zambia has taken a groundbreaking step toward improving transparency and ensuring communities stay informed about developmental activities. In a directive, the ministry has instructed all Local Authorities to utilize their websites as digital communication platforms.

The directive, issued by Permanent Secretary (Administration) Mr. Maambo Haamaundu, emphasizes the importance of these websites in providing a means for sharing digital information with the public, particularly regarding developments aligned with the enhanced Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

In collaboration with the e-Government Division (Smart-Zambia Institute), the Ministry recently completed the development of 116 websites for Local Authorities, Mr. Haamaundu underscored the significance of this initiative in the context of the significant transformation in service delivery, especially concerning the CDF. 

He urged Local Authorities to use their newly developed websites as tools for improving communication with communities, facilitating access to municipal services.

Public Relations officers, Social Economic Planners, and Information and Communication Technology officers across all Local Authorities are currently undergoing training on digital website management and content upload. Mr. Haamaundu stressed the need for regular updates to ensure the information shared is current.

“Sharing information empowers people to make choices for themselves on developmental activities undertaken by each Local Authority,” stated Mr. Haamaundu, highlighting the empowering nature of transparent communication.

The Ministry expressed confidence that the coordinated use of ICT innovations in Local Authorities will not only enhance service delivery but also considerably reduce financial leakages and increase revenue collection through digital payments.

Furthermore, Mr. Haamaundu urged ICT experts and public relations officers to align ICT programs with the core business mandate of Local Authorities.

This aligns with the National e-Government Plan 2023-2026 on e-services, launched by Her Honour, Mrs. W.K Mutale Nalumango, the Vice President of the Republic of Zambia.

These 116 websites, now functional, will be formally handed over upon the completion of the ongoing digital training, scheduled between 27th November and 9th December 2023 in Chibombo, Kabwe, and Kafue Districts.

This statement has been issued by Chila Namaiko, the Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.

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