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Zimbabwe and Egypt Forge Closer Ties in Agriculture and Infrastructure

Presidents Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi of Egypt and Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe convened on the 21st November, 2023, expressing a shared commitment to bolster bilateral relations, particularly in the realms of development cooperation. 

The leaders emphasized the need for collaboration in agriculture, agro-manufacturing projects, and the optimal utilization of livestock and fish resources to ensure food security in both nations.

During President Mnangagwa’s visit to Egypt, where he attended the third intra-African Trade Fair, he commended the notable development renaissance observed in Egypt. 

Mnangagwa conveyed Zimbabwe’s eagerness to benefit from Egypt’s experiences, fostering a spirit of mutual learning and growth.

The discussions extended to various infrastructure sectors, paving the way for joint development opportunities between the two countries. 

President Al-Sisi and President Mnangagwa highlighted the significance of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in advancing comprehensive development efforts across the continent, especially amidst global challenges.

In a separate meeting, President Al-Sisi engaged with Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly and Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Ali Al-Mosilhi.

President Al-Sisi received updates on the government’s endeavors to provide essential goods to citizens, ensuring an ample reserve despite international crises. 

He directed the completion of a national project establishing strategic warehouses and silos, securing sufficient stocks of basic commodities and food products throughout the year, contributing to Egypt’s commitment to food security.

President Al-Sisi further demonstrated Egypt’s solidarity by ordering the provision of an additional 650 tonnes of various food supplies to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. 

This humanitarian gesture underscores Egypt’s continuous support for the people of Gaza across various dimensions.

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