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Government Embraces Partnership – Investment in Education Boosted by ECO Bank’s Generosity

Minister of Technology and Science, Felix Mutati, expressed gratitude for the ongoing efforts of the government in forging partnerships to enhance the education sector.

His comments came during a donation event where ECO Bank demonstrated practical support by delivering computers to Katoba Secondary School in Chongwe.

Minister Mutati commended ECO Bank for its contribution, noting that the donated computers could potentially connect the school to an internet platform, providing students with access to essential tools and educational facilities round the clock. 

Recognizing the importance of sustainable power, he also emphasized the need for solar power to create an education ecosystem that functions effectively.

Highlighting the global shift toward digital employment, Minister Mutati underscored the urgency of equipping students with technical know-how, stating that 75 percent of jobs worldwide would be digitally inclined in the next 5 to 10 years.

Chongwe area Member of Parliament, Honourable Silvia Masebo, expressed gratitude for ECO Bank’s gesture in supporting Katoba School with new IT equipment. 

She emphasized the significance of investing in vulnerable communities and pledged personal monetary support for the school. 

Masebo called on the community to protect school property, discouraging vandalism, and urged collective efforts for prosperity.

Aina Moore, Managing Director of ECO Bank, revealed the bank’s commitment to creating jobs and improving access to finance. 

She highlighted the bank’s long standing initiatives, including community support, education, and healthcare.

Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary, Robert Kamalata, explained that the donated equipment would enhance classroom management and information technology lessons for learners. 

Despite Katoba School’s rural location, Kamalata assured that students would benefit from internet facilities.

During the event, a Katoba pupil expressed gratitude for ECO Bank’s donation, citing the need for further infrastructure development. 

The student mentioned the school’s rapid expansion and advocated for a perimeter wall to reinforce security.

The collaboration between the government and ECO Bank showcases the power of public-private partnerships in advancing education and creating opportunities for students in Zambia.

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