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Youth-Led Innovation Takes Center Stage in Zambia’s Fight Against Climate Change

The Zambian government has issued a compelling call to action, urging the nation’s youth to take the reins in defining innovative solutions to combat pressing climate change challenges. 

These challenges, including reduced food production and economic disruptions, demand the fresh perspective and creative problem-solving abilities of Zambia’s young population.

Fumba Chama, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Youths, Sports, and Art, underscored the importance of youth involvement in designing solutions to address not only current economic challenges but also future ones. 

Mr. Chama emphasized that the young generation is not just the citizens of tomorrow but also of today and should, therefore, lead the charge in shaping the nation’s future.

During a recent event, the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) Zambia and MTN Zambia Foundation jointly hosted the second PachiPanda Innovation Challenge pitch day at the National Institute for Public Administration (NIPA) in Lusaka.

Mr. Chama pointed out that the absence of youth leadership in these vital discussions could hinder the country’s ability to find sustainable solutions to future problems. 

He implored the youth to actively contribute their creative thinking and intelligence to define solutions for both the present and future.

“I call upon young people to define solutions for the future; your input, creativity, and intelligence are key now and in the future. I invite young people to lead in finding solutions for the future,” he passionately stated.

Mr. Chama also assured the young entrepreneurs that the government is committed to supporting youth-led businesses and providing them with sustainable opportunities. 

He emphasized that technology plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change and suggested that innovative technological solutions could address environmental challenges effectively.

“Resilient climate-smart solutions are, therefore, crucial to mitigate the effects of climate change impacting the economy,” Mr. Chama noted.

Machilala Nkombo, Chief Executive Officer of WWF Zambia, praised the PachiPanda Innovation Challenge for its role in assisting the government in finding solutions to climate change’s adverse effects. 

She called on the government to seriously consider the innovative ideas put forward by the youth and transform them into viable business solutions, thereby creating employment opportunities in the country.

Abbas Reda, Chief Executive Officer of MTN Zambia, echoed the sentiment that innovation is critical for developing sustainable solutions to combat the effects of climate change on the economy. 

Mr. Reda expressed confidence that the PachiPanda Innovation Challenge would contribute to the development of programs that enhance service provision and foster economic growth.

The event marked a significant step toward empowering Zambia’s youth to lead the way in addressing climate change and its far-reaching impacts on the nation’s economy. 

As the government and organizations like WWF and MTN Zambia join forces to support these innovative initiatives, the country is set on a path to harness the creativity and determination of its youth to secure a sustainable future.

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