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British High Commission Pledges Support for Zambian SMEs and Cooperatives

The Head of Economic Development and Green Growth at the British High Commission, Ms. Sarah Bloom, has expressed a keen interest in supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Zambia. 

This commitment to fostering economic development was made during her meeting with Mrs. Subeta Mutelo, Permanent Secretary for Small and Medium Enterprise Development, at the Ministry Headquarters in Lusaka.

The discussions between the two officials centered on identifying potential areas of collaboration that could be explored by Zambia and the United Kingdom to promote the growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and cooperatives in the country. 

Mrs. Mutelo acknowledged the support received from the United Kingdom through the British High Commission and other affiliated institutions that have implemented various initiatives in Zambia.

Mrs. Mutelo highlighted several areas where the Ministry seeks support, including capacity building, the development of essential tools, and the establishment of a web-based Information Management System (IMIS) database tailored for MSMEs and cooperatives. 

The Ministry is also actively engaged in forming partnerships with financial institutions to facilitate affordable financing options for MSMEs.

The visit by Ms. Sarah Bloom, the British High Commission Head of Economic Development and Green Growth, was deemed timely as it holds the potential to create numerous opportunities for the people of Zambia. 

Ms. Bloom expressed her gratitude for Zambia’s role as a top investment destination, noting the country’s attractiveness to foreign investors.

Furthermore, Ms. Bloom emphasized that the British High Commission, in collaboration with its affiliated institutions operating in Zambia, recognizes the necessity for continued investment in various sectors of the economy. 

She commended the government’s commitment to economic growth, citing the establishment of the Ministry as a clear testament to this resolve.

This promising partnership between the British High Commission and Zambia’s Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise Development is expected to yield significant benefits for the nation’s SMEs and cooperatives, thereby contributing to economic growth and development.

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