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Zambia’s Minister of Green Economy and Environment Donates Ambulances and Utility Vehicle for Lake Tanganyika Development Project

Addressing a gathering at the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment in Lusaka, the Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu, MP, highlighted the significance of the handover ceremony of assets to beneficiaries in Mpulungu and Nsama Districts, Northern Province. 

Minister Nzovu emphasized the collaborative effort among ministries, citing the joint endeavor with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Technology and Science.

He underscored the pivotal role of these donations in fostering economic transformation, job creation, and environmental sustainability, all essential elements for community development.

The Lake Tanganyika Development Project stands as a crucial initiative enhancing livelihoods by supporting infrastructure, human development, market linkages, and value chain development,” the Minister expressed. 

He said that the ministry’s collective efforts have seen impactful developments in education and health sectors in Mpulungu and Nsama Districts, significantly improving the well-being of our people.

Highlighting the project’s healthcare contributions, the Minister announced that the project has facilitated the establishment of various health facilities, including the Nsumbu Mini Hospital in Nsama District, equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment. 

The ambulances handed over, he said, will support the operations of such crucial healthcare institutions.

Moreover, acknowledging the importance of transportation in ensuring efficient service delivery, Minister Nzovu emphasized, “The provision of ambulances and a utility vehicle will significantly enhance the delivery of essential services in the project area, ensuring timely and effective response to healthcare needs.”

Regarding the broader scope of the project, the Minister emphasized the vision to improve quality health services and to bring these services closer to the communities in the Lake Tanganyika Basin. 

Furthermore, he stressed the significance of investing in skills development and human capital, particularly for the youth, mentioning the construction of the Nsumbu Skills Training Institute as a testament to the government’s commitment to vocational skills development.

The Minister concluded by handing over the vehicles to the respective institutions, urging effective and responsible management for the sustained benefit of the community.  

These ambulances and the utility vehicle are instrumental in the provision of much-needed health and skills development services to the communities in the Lake Basin. It is crucial they are managed efficiently and utilized for their intended purposes.  

The event concluded on a note of gratitude, emphasizing the hope that these contributions would further strengthen the relationship between the Lake Tanganyika Development Project and its stakeholders.

Quoted directly, Minister Nzovu expressed, “I am confident these assets shall go a long way in enabling the institutions to provide critical health and skills development services to the communities in the Lake Basin. I humbly request effective management of these vehicles to ensure they serve the community for many years to come.”

The handover ceremony The ceremony of two ambulances and a utility vehicle courtesy of the Lake Tanganyika Development Project marked a significant milestone in the government’s commitment to improving the well-being and development of communities in the Lake Tanganyika Basin.

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