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Lusaka City Council Prosecutes 76 Individuals for Various Offenses

The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has achieved successful prosecutions of 76 individuals for a range of offenses, including street vending, noise pollution, and trading without certificates of compliance.

In a statement Issued by Bupe Kabuswe, Public Relations Officer, these individuals were apprehended between September 2023 and October 2023. Out of the 76 cases, 71 were related to street vending, two cases were for noise pollution, one case for trading without a certificate of compliance, and one for obstructing an officer on duty during an operation.

Ms Kabuswe said that the street vending offenses contravened Regulation 45 of Statutory Instrument No.12 of 2019 of the Local Government Act No. 2 of 2019 of the laws of Zambia, which prohibits the selling or offering of goods and merchandise from undesignated places or streets.

According to Ms Kabuswe the cases related to noise pollution were attributed to allowing noise emissions from animals, specifically pigs, and the existence of rodents and flies due to inadequate management of solid and liquid waste on the premises originating from the piggery. 

These actions she said are in violation of section 64 and 67 (1) (s) read with section 69 (3) of the Public Health Act, Chapter 295 of the Laws of Zambia.

LCC further warned all those who deliberately flout the law to cease such actions. The Council is resolute in its commitment to upholding order and promoting sanitation within the region.

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