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Zambian Empowerment Hub Calls for Cleanliness as Rainy Season Approaches

The Zambian Empowerment Hub for Entrepreneurship and Skills Training (ZEHEST) is issuing a fervent appeal to the general public as the rainy season approaches, urging them to prioritize cleanliness and environmental health. 

According to ZEHEST Executive Director Clarence Moonde Muzyamba, the organization is dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship, skills training, and community development, and it recognizes the critical role that a clean and green environment plays in safeguarding public health.

In the wake of the approaching rainy season, Mr Muzyamba stresses the importance of maintaining clean drainages. He emphasizes that prevention is more effective than a cure when it comes to public health. 

Preventable diseases such as cholera and dysentery can have devastating consequences, and Mr Muzyamba  believes that it is within the power of the people to prevent such outbreaks.

One common and preventable issue that Mr Muzyamba highlights is the improper disposal of waste, particularly the practice of throwing cabbage and other organic materials into drainages. 

Such actions can obstruct the flow of water and lead to the rotting of waste, causing a foul odor and potentially spreading airborne diseases.

According to Mr Muzyamba ZEHEST, as a think tank organization, understands the economic strain on the government due to healthcare costs and debt repayment. 

Mr Muzyamba strongly advocates for preventative measures through cleanliness as a way to reduce these costs and enhance public well-being.

In support of their cause, Mr Muzyamba pledges ZEHEST readiness to complement government efforts by conducting community symposiums on good hygiene practices. 

Mr Muzyamba expressed ZEHEST willingness to collaborate with the Ministry of Health and other development partners to educate and sensitize the public about the importance of environmental protection.

ZEHEST is a non-governmental organization operating as a think tank that focuses on entrepreneurship, environment, governance, and empowerment programs, policies, and projects. Their mission is to drive positive change in these areas, ultimately improving the well-being of Zambian citizens and their communities.

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