Breaking NewsClimate Change/ESG

SEPA Advocates for Enhanced Climate Resilience and Agricultural Support in Zambia

The Save the Environment and People’s Agency (SEPA), led by Chief Executive Officer Mrs. Mailes Muke, is taking a proactive stance to promote climate-smart agriculture and enhance climate resilience in Zambia. 

SEPA commends the Meteorological Department under the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment for its regular updates on weather patterns, recognizing the vital role they play in agricultural planning and climate adaptation.

SEPA, as a civil society organization, calls for a more robust and information-driven approach from the Meteorological Department to benefit the nation’s farmers. 

They stress the importance of providing farmers with accurate and timely information to make informed decisions about crop selection and farming practices, considering the ever-changing weather conditions in Zambia.

Mrs. Mailes Muke and SEPA further emphasize the significance of the Ministry of Agriculture’s involvement in informing farmers about the right seeds to plant. 

They suggest a strategic distribution of seeds suitable for the specific rainfall patterns in various regions of Zambia. 

This approach aims to ensure that farmers have access to seeds that can thrive under local climate conditions, thus bolstering agricultural productivity and food security.

In addition to these calls for improved agricultural support, SEPA advocates for a more substantial budget allocation to the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment. 

Recognizing the multitude of issues that this ministry addresses, they assert that the 2024 budget allocation falls short of the necessary resources to tackle these challenges effectively.

SEPA’s efforts in promoting climate resilience and sustainable agriculture make a compelling story, as they highlight the importance of collaboration between civil society, government agencies, and the private sector to address climate change and environmental sustainability in Zambia. Their commitment to advocating for practical solutions to benefit both farmers and the environment is a noteworthy example of civic engagement.

The outcomes of SEPA’s advocacy efforts remain to be seen, but their initiatives reflect a broader trend towards increased awareness and action on climate-related issues, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and resilient Zambia.

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