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Zambia Trade Mission to Lubumbashi, DRC Officially Commences for Enhanced Bilateral Business Relations

The Zambia Trade Mission to Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), led by the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA), was officially inaugurated yesterday during a joint ceremony. 

The event saw the participation of key dignitaries, including the Minister of Economy and Trade for Katanga Province, Ms. Kanyeba Munanga Celine, and Acting Permanent Secretary for Investments and Industrialization in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry, Zambia, Mrs. Nalituba C. Mwale.

Ms. Kanyeba, during her address, expressed her appreciation for the collaborative initiative between ZDA and the Federation des Entreprises du Congo, a local business association, with support from ABSA Bank Zambia Limited. 

She emphasized the significance of this endeavor in fostering business connections between Zambia and the DRC, a relationship that has been on the rise. 

Notably, Ms. Kanyeba highlighted that the demand for essential commodities and non-traditional exports in the DRC surpasses even the value of minerals, underlining the tremendous business opportunities awaiting exploration.

Acting PS Mrs. Mwale, representing the Zambian Government, stated that the trade mission serves as a platform for business interactions, networking, and collaboration. She underscored the historical ties between the two nations, dating back to their respective independence periods. 

She mentioned the recent $76 million concession agreement signed by the Zambian government for the development of the 61km Ndola-Sakania-Mufulira road and Sakania Border infrastructure.

Mrs. Mwale anticipated that this project, upon completion, will significantly boost trade between Zambia and the DRC. 

She also encouraged both countries to consider implementing a non-stop-border system to streamline the movement of goods between them.

Mrs. Jessica Chombo, who spoke on behalf of ZDA Director General Mr. Albert Halwampa, expressed gratitude to the Congolese Government for their warm hospitality and support for the Zambian Trade Mission. 

Mr. Felix Siame, the Zambian Consular General, echoed the sentiment of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

The Trade Mission includes 39 companies, out of the 42 that registered, with participating Zambian firms matched with 70 Congolese counterparts.

The Zambian companies represent various sectors such as agriculture, printing, construction, logistics, and pharmaceuticals. 

The visit includes B2B engagements, a mechanism for pairing Zambian companies with Congolese counterparts with similar interests.

The Zambia Trade Mission to Lubumbashi holds significant promise for strengthening business ties, fostering economic growth, and capitalizing on mutually beneficial opportunities.

This statement has been issued by Kwali Mfuni, Head Communications and Public Relations, Zambia Development Agency, Investment House, Nasser Rd, Lusaka.

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