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ZAMMSA Urges Health Facilities to Order Chlorine to Prevent Looming Cholera Outbreak

The Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) has issued an urgent appeal to health facilities in cholera-prone areas to swiftly place orders for chlorine and intravenous (IV) fluids in an effort to prevent a potential cholera outbreak.

ZAMMSA, the country’s leading provider of medical commodities, has confirmed that it currently maintains substantial stockpiles of chlorine, disinfectants, IV fluids, Zinc Sulphate, and Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS), all of which are vital components in the fight against cholera and other waterborne diseases.

The agency operates a “push and pull” distribution model, allowing health facilities nationwide to place emergency orders for medical supplies in response to disease outbreaks or surges in specific illnesses. 

These emergency orders are designed to supplement the regular supply cycles of medicines and ensure a rapid response to health crises.

Concerns have been raised by residents of Kanyama, a community within Lusaka, who have been appealing for increased distribution of chlorine to combat the spread of cholera in their area. 

In response, ZAMMSA seeks to reassure the public that it has more than adequate reserves of essential medicines to address diseases associated with the hot and rainy seasons, including cholera.

Last week, Health Minister Hon. Sylvia Masebo confirmed the existence of a cholera case in Kanyama, underscoring the importance of swift and effective measures to contain the disease.

The appeal by ZAMMSA underscores the agency’s commitment to proactive public health management and the readiness to combat disease outbreaks in the country

This information is contained in a statement issued by Bradley Chingobe, Senior Manager – Public Relations, ZAMMSA.

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