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Zambia’s Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Hon. Jack Mwiimbu, expressed concern that Africa’s perspective on migration has often been overshadowed by external viewpoints and misconceptions. 

He highlighted the significance of changing the narrative on migration and allowing Africa to present its own experiences and policies on the global stage. 

In a statement issued by Mrs. Inutu Mupango Mwanza, First Secretary-Press/Tourism of the Zambian Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the occasion was the launch of the African Diplomatic Indaba on Migration and Mobility (ADI) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Zambia endorsed this initiative with the aim of collectively addressing migration challenges, strengthening Africa’s representation in international forums, and contributing to the realization of the AU Agenda 2063.

Minister Mwiimbu emphasized the profound significance of migration to Africa, necessitating concerted efforts to address both challenges and opportunities associated with it. 

His statement was made in Zambia’s capacity as Chairperson of the Specialized Technical Committee for Migration, Refugees, and Internally Displaced Persons.

Speaking at the same event, International Organization for Migration Director General, Ms. Amy Pope noted that migration is an intrinsic part of human history and civilization. 

She highlighted the various reasons for migration and its potential to contribute to prosperity, innovation, and the exchange of developmental ideas. However, she also warned that mishandled migration can lead to exploitation and slavery.

African Union Commission Deputy Chairperson, Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa, stated that the launch of the African Diplomatic Indaba will position Africa to collectively negotiate and advocate for the African policy position on migration with a unified voice. 

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