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The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has expressed its strong disapproval regarding an unidentified individual who has been impersonating the Lusaka City Council Town Clerk. This person’s intention is to extort money from business owners operating within the city.

In a statement Issued by Public Relations Officer, Nyambe Bulumba, revealed that this impersonator is taking advantage of the Town Clerk position to deceive business owners into giving him money. He falsely claims that their businesses will remain operational even if they haven’t paid or renewed their permits.

According to victims’ accounts, this impersonator has been soliciting funds for various purposes, including lunch and beverages, by using the counterfeit title Lusaka City Council Town Clerk.

The Lusaka City Council wishes to caution business owners and the general public that the council does not accept cash payments for any of its services. Instead, customers are required to make payments through LCC-affiliated banks and must provide a receipt as evidence of payment for any service.

Furthermore, the Council emphasizes that its revenue collectors and any other task force members assigned for such purposes carry valid identification cards, wear official council uniforms, and do not request bribes from any business operators.

The individuals engaged in this illegal activity must immediately cease their operations, as they will face legal consequences and serve as a deterrent to potential offenders.

The Council has initiated investigations into this matter to ensure that the perpetrator is apprehended and faces the appropriate legal actions.

The Local Authority would like to commend members of the public for promptly reporting such individuals. This action will assist the council in taking the necessary steps to address this issue.

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