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Kawambwa Town Council Intensifies Routine Inspections and Sensitization to the Business Community 

Kawambwa Town Council, through its Public section, has taken proactive measures to intensify routine inspections and engage in massive sensitization efforts aimed at underlining the importance of food safety within the local business community.

In a statement issued by Kashi Norman Joel, Public Relations Officer, this initiative is rooted in a firm commitment to ensuring the maintenance of compliance levels among businesses and preventing members of the public from being exposed to expired or substandard food and drinks.

As a responsible Local Authority, Kawambwa Town Council is entrusted with the task of safeguarding public health by ensuring that shop owners consistently stock food and drinks that meet the necessary standards for human consumption.

The business community in the district is encouraged to continue upholding these food safety compliance standards, as they play a pivotal role in maintaining high health standards for the local population.

The Local Authority has been witnessing commendable compliance levels from the business sector. A recent example of this commitment is a shop owner who, on September 26, 2023, voluntarily surrendered 69 cases of expired fruiticana, valued at K7,590, to the Local Authority for proper disposal.

It is important to highlight that, in accordance with the Public Health Act Cap 295 and the Food Safety Act No. 7 of 2019 of the Laws of Zambia, exposing members of the public to expired foods and drinks is considered a serious offense, and those found in violation may face legal consequences.

In light of these regulations, Kawambwa Town Council calls upon members of the public to exercise vigilance when making purchases and to check the expiry dates of products. Should any individual come across a shop stocking expired products, they have the right to report such incidents to the Local Authority.

Kawambwa Town Council extends an appeal to business owners to responsibly dispose of expired products or surrender them to the Local Authority for proper disposal.

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