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Departure of MISA Zambia Board Chairperson Reverend Fr. Dr. Barnabas Simatende Announced Due to New Responsibilities

In a significant announcement, Reverend Fr. Dr. Barnabas Simatende, OMI, PhD, the former Board Chairperson of MISA Zambia, has declared his departure from the position, effective September 30th, 2023. The decision to step down stems from new responsibilities in his teaching role at St. Joseph’s Theological Institute in South Africa, which require a substantial commitment of his time and attention, rendering him unable to continue serving as the Board Chairperson.

In his statement, he expressed heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support he received during his tenure as Board Chairperson. He acknowledged the dedication of the MISA Zambia community to their shared mission and considered it an honor to work alongside them.

During his leadership, MISA Zambia witnessed several positive developments, including an increase in membership, the introduction of online information sessions, and a higher number of projects, reflecting enhanced donor and stakeholder confidence. The organization also demonstrated resilience and determination, fostering increased collaboration with the government through the Ministry of Information and Media, IBA, and ZNBC in matters of policy formulation and implementation.

Additionally, MISA Zambia invested in capacity building for its members and radio stations, conducting over 54 workshops, in-house training sessions, and virtual training programs since January 2023, all made possible through the support of its stakeholders.

Rev. Fr. Dr. Barnabas Simatende, OMI, expressed hope that the MISA Zambia community would continue supporting the remaining Board members and secretariat to achieve more for the betterment of the media sector.

While stepping down as Board Chairperson, he assured the community of his enduring commitment to MISA Zambia’s values and objectives, pledging to support the organization in any way possible. As he transitions into his new role, he extended his best wishes to all involved, emphasizing the vital importance of their dedication to media freedom and freedom of expression.

Lastly, Rev. Fr. Dr. Barnabas Simatende, OMI, thanked everyone for their incredible support and dedication to their cause, expressing confidence in the organization’s future success under new leadership.

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