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FAWEZA Urges Zambian Government to Reinstate Ministry of Gender to Address Escalating Gender Issues

The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWEZA) has strongly urged the Zambian government to reinstate the Ministry of Gender to effectively address the rising gender issues in the country. 

FAWEZA’s Executive Director, Costern Kanchele, emphasized the urgency of having a fully-fledged ministry dedicated to tackling gender-based violence and gender inequalities, which have been on the rise.

Mr. Kanchele expressed deep concern that the current department tasked with handling these issues is insufficient given the alarming increase in gender-based violence and related challenges. He stressed the importance of establishing a dedicated ministry capable of comprehensively addressing and combating these pressing matters.

FAWEZA has been closely monitoring the escalating instances of gender-based violence and is deeply troubled by the downgrading of the Ministry of Gender to a mere department. Mr. Kanchele has earnestly called on the government to consider reinstating the Ministry as a crucial institution for championing the rights and welfare of women and girls in Zambia.

This statement from FAWEZA underscores the importance of having a robust institutional framework to address gender-related issues and promote gender equality in Zambia.

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