Breaking NewsOpinion/Analysis

Gay Agenda Appears to Be Gaining Ground in Zambia

If the statement attributed to the Chief Justice by News Diggers is accurate, it may not come as a surprise to many. It is a known fact that various avenues have been explored to promote the LGBTQ agenda in Zambia.

Former MP of Kasenengwa Constituency in the Eastern Province, Sensio Banda, has pointed out that proponents and agents of LGBTQ rights in Zambia have attempted to influence the other two branches of government, namely the Executive and the Legislature. However, there are substantial political risks associated with these efforts, including the challenge of garnering sufficient support and numbers in the legislative process for relevant constitutional reforms.

Consequently, the judiciary seems to be the most viable avenue for advancing the LGBTQ agenda in Zambia. This is because the judiciary serves as a source of law and, if the agenda succeeds, those promoting it can attribute it to an apolitical government entity—the judiciary. It is widely understood that any court precedents related to LGBTQ rights could bolster arguments for amending relevant provisions in the penal code and possibly the republican constitution, effectively solidifying the LGBTQ agenda.

Zambians, especially the Church, must be vigilant and take appropriate action. The path being pursued by the Chief Justice is not novel; in other jurisdictions where the LGBTQ agenda has been promoted, it has achieved significant success. It is a tried-and-true strategy for establishing LGBTQ rights in countries with opposing views.

The potential veracity of the Chief Justice’s statement raises concerns about a coordinated effort to advance the LGBTQ agenda in Zambia. Several compelling indicators support this notion, including the display of rainbow flags at select foreign embassies, which symbolizes support for LGBTQ rights; the transformation of fashion shows into events resembling gay parades, indicating a shift in cultural acceptance; and the presence of a technocrat at the State House tasked with addressing key and vulnerable populations, including LGBTQ individuals, with funding from USAID. These combined signals underscore a significant push for LGBTQ rights within Zambia, sparking debates and controversies on this issue within the nation.

These activities run contrary to the constitution and National Values and Principles. Surprisingly, the Church and its leadership, which are often considered the moral compass of the nation, have not provided the necessary guidance and a strong voice during this critical moment when many believe God’s guidance is needed.

Mr Banda further empasized that this battle holds significant spiritual importance, and the body of Christ in Zambia must take a firm stance; otherwise, there may be consequences for the nation.

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