International News


The Sixth World Green Development Investment and Trade Exposition (6WGDITE) has officially commenced in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, People’s Republic of China, with a resounding focus on “Embracing openness, deepening cooperation, and promoting green development.”

This prestigious global event is a biennial initiative organized and hosted by the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province, China. Its primary objective is to highlight the strides made in greening Jiangxi Province while fostering enhanced cooperation with international partners and stakeholders in the realm of green development.

The Ministry of Green Economy and Environment (MGEE) is actively participating in this significant exposition. Dr. Douty Chibamba, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, is a prominent member of the Zambian delegation attending the event.

The 6WGDITE offers a multifaceted platform that encompasses seminars, symposia, promotional conferences, and exhibitions. This diverse range of activities encourages meaningful exchanges of ideas and experiences among participants. Notably, the Zambian delegation is taking full advantage of this platform by showcasing their own exhibitions.

In preparation for the exposition, Dr. Chibamba granted an interview to Jiangxi Daily News on September 4, providing insights into the cooperation between Zambia and China.

Furthermore, Dr. Chibamba led the Zambian delegation in a meeting with Mr. Zhang Jianan, the President of China Jiangxi International Corporation (CJIC) Limited. CJIC Limited has established extensive ties with Zambia since 1987 and has undertaken over 200 projects in the country, collectively valued at over $2 billion.

On September 5, following the official launch of the event, Dr. Chibamba joined fellow foreign dignitaries in a closed-door meeting with Yin Hong, the Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The Zambian delegation also embarked on a tour of the 6WGDITE exhibition, where several Chinese-run Zambian companies are proudly presenting their offerings at the Zambian Pavilion.

Moreover, on the sidelines of the exposition, the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a Chinese firm. This MoU signifies a significant step in Zambia’s journey towards transitioning to a green economy.

Following the MoU signing, the delegation embarked on visits to key locations in Nanchang City, including the JFIDCL oil processing factory and pine fields. The following day, they toured the Jiangxi Academy of Forestry (JAF).

The event has drawn an eclectic mix of participants, including leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC), directors of China’s national ministries, foreign politicians, diplomatic delegations, and representatives from international organizations, among others.

The Ministry of Green Economy and Environment’s active participation in the 6WGDITE reflects Zambia’s commitment to embracing green development and strengthening international partnerships to drive environmental sustainability.

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