
Three Health Workers Arrested for Corruption in Southern Province

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has taken decisive action by apprehending and charging three Ministry of Health workers in Southern Province for alleged corruption, involving a sum of K40,000.00. The arrests signify a significant step in combating corruption within public institutions.

The individuals under custody have been identified as Clement Tembo, 49, a resident of Bwacha Compound in Kalomo District and Assistant Accountant at Kalomo District Health Office; Wilford Siamufunde, 42, hailing from Riverside in Choma, who serves as a Senior Health Promotional Officer at the Southern Provincial Health Office; and Mundia Muhau, 44, residing in New Houses, Namwala, and working as a Purchasing and Supplies Assistant at Namwala District Health Office.

The trio faces joint charges of Corrupt Practices by Public Officers, as stipulated under Section 19(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012. This charge is compounded by Section 41 of the same act.

Details provided by the ACC reveal that between an unspecified period from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020, in Namwala District, the aforementioned individuals, who held key positions within the Namwala District Health Office, allegedly engaged in corrupt activities. They are accused of soliciting and receiving a cash gratification amounting to K40,000.00 from Jonathan Zuhuli.

The alleged motive behind the monetary exchange was to influence and expedite the award of a contract valued at K300,735.00 to supply building materials to Nicekel General Dealers. This transaction directly involved the Namwala District Health Office, a public body responsible for providing essential health services to the local community.

Following their arrest, the trio has been granted release on bond as they await their court appearance. It is expected that their case will proceed to court in the near future. The arrests underscore the ongoing efforts by the Anti-Corruption Commission to tackle corruption and uphold transparency and accountability within public offices.

The arrest of these Ministry of Health employees serves as a stern reminder that no one is above the law, and authorities remain committed to eradicating corruption and ensuring that public funds are used for their intended purposes.

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