
ESACO Invited as Observer to ICAC’s Private Sector Advisory Council Conference

The Eastern and Southern Africa Cotton Organization (ESACO), with Zambia as its secretariat, has received a prestigious invitation to participate as an observer in the International Cotton Advisory Committee’s (ICAC) Private Sector Advisory Council conference. The event is scheduled to take place later this month in the United States of America.

As an observer, ESACO will be granted participation in meetings and discussions but will not have voting privileges or the authority to propose resolutions. The ICAC’s Private Sector Advisory Council serves as a global platform that brings together influential organizations representing various sectors of the cotton value chain, facilitating interactions among themselves and with ICAC member countries.

This Council stands as the leading global entity uniting producers, ginners, weavers, machinery manufacturers, brands, and retailers from across the world within a single collaborative forum.

Parkhi Vats, Commodity Trade Analyst at ICAC, expressed optimism that ESACO will play a pivotal role and potentially become a founding member of this crucial initiative within the global cotton industry.

Driana Lwanda, Chairperson of ESACO’s Board, responded enthusiastically to the invitation, highlighting the significant opportunity it presents for ESACO to join global leaders in cultivating a robust cotton economy worldwide. Lwanda emphasized that this offer arrives at an opportune moment when ESACO is actively exploring technological advancements to elevate its value proposition.

Lwanda stated, “Being part of this event offers an opportunity to access objective data on the world’s largest cotton-producing countries and give us an opportunity to use the same to address our current challenges.” She further noted that ESACO aims to bolster the capacity of cotton stakeholders along the entire value chain, including the textile industry.

Participation in ICAC will enable ESACO to identify strategic partners and networks that can enhance the competitiveness of the cotton value chain.

Sunduzwayo Banda, CEO of the Cotton Board of Zambia, lauded this development as a milestone for international cooperation. He highlighted Zambia’s recent readmission as an ICAC member, asserting that this event would create substantial opportunities for Zambian cotton farmers. Banda emphasized that ESACO’s ultimate aim is to amplify cotton production and productivity to alleviate rural poverty and harness the export potential.

The conference represents a momentous stride in ESACO’s endeavors to enhance the region’s cotton industry, leveraging global insights and expertise to address critical challenges and uplift the livelihoods of cotton stakeholders.

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