
Thousands march in Malawi against homosexuality

Thousands of people from all walks of life have defied the chilling weather to demonstrate against same-sex marriages in Malawi’s major cities and towns amid heavy presence of both uniformed and plain-clothed police.

The march has been organised by the Evangelical Association of Malawi, a Christian umbrella organization for evangelical churches and Christian organizations, and endorsed by the Muslim community, the Roman Catholic Church, among others.

The demonstrations across the country started just after 09.00hours with prayers which were conducted by religious leaders from both religions of Islamic and Christianity.

Organisers told the media before the march the purpose was not to stigmatise or injure people that propagate same sex relationships but to demonstrate to them the right way of doing things.

In Blantyre, Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa of the Archdiocese of Blantyre urged the marchers to remain peaceful as they convey their messages against the same sex marriages.

Msusa, who is the immediate past head of the Catholic Church in the country, said the protests were aimed at enlightening Malawians on the right marriages and promote traditional family values as per the spiritual teachings.

At the end of the pro-family marches, leaders are expected to present petitions to government authorities expressing their concerns and force back what is widely believed as a threat towards cultural and religious beliefs.

The pro-family march endorsement by Malawian citizens, church mother bodies and the Muslim community underscores the significance of public engagement and the democratic process in shaping the nation’s values and social fabric.
This peaceful protest serves as a reminder of the importance of open dialogue, mutual respect, and understanding in a diverse society like Malawi.

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