
Government Commends Positive Performance Trajectory of 2023 Budget

Lusaka, Zambia – Finance and National Planning Minister Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, MP, has expressed the Government’s satisfaction with the positive performance trajectory of the 2023 budget. The budget has enabled the sustained financing of social sectors and the fulfillment of various budget obligations for the current year.

Minister Musokotwane made these remarks while referring to the budget expenditure for June 2023, which saw the release of K10.9 billion to finance public service delivery and developmental programs. Out of this amount, K4.9 billion was allocated to debt service (domestic and external) and arrears, while K3.7 billion was released for the public service wage bill. Additionally, K673.5 million was allocated for transfers, subsidies, and social benefits. Furthermore, K1.3 million was released for the implementation of various government programs and general operations, with K407.6 million allocated to roads infrastructure.

Key Highlights of the Budget Expenditure include Transfers and Subsidies: The government allocated a total of K673.5 million towards transfers and subsidies. Notable expenditure items in this category included K258.7 million for the operations of hospitals and Grant Aided Institutions (GAIs), K115.1 million for universities’ operations, and K111.6 million to the Local Government Equalization Fund.

General Operations: The Treasury released K1.3 billion to facilitate service delivery across various ministries, provinces, and agencies.

Capital Expenditure: A sum of K407.6 million was allocated for road infrastructure rehabilitation and construction in various locations nationwide.

Debt and Other Liabilities: In line with the government’s commitment to reduce indebtedness, K3.9 billion was allocated in June 2023 for the payment of both domestic and external debt (Multilateral). Additionally, K906.1 million was allocated to clear arrears owed to suppliers of goods and services.

Wage Bill: The government allocated K3.7 billion for costs related to the Public Service Wage Bill (Personal Emoluments) for various public service workers.

In conclusion, Minister Musokotwane encouraged fellow citizens and other stakeholders to continue supporting the government’s efforts in monitoring the implementation of developmental programs and projects in their respective localities. He also announced that the 2024-2026 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework Green Paper will be published within the next week for public review, analysis, and feedback. This will pave the way for the government to finalize the 2024 National Budget, which is scheduled to be presented to the National Assembly in September 2023.

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