Human Interest Stories


Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia, Rt. Honorable Ms. Nelly Butete Kashumba Mutti, MP, has urged Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member States to work and collaborate more in ensuring that agriculture contributes to resolving the region’s top socioeconomic concerns, among them food security and youth unemployment. 

The Speaker said this when she delivered a vote of thanks on behalf of all SADC Parliaments at the ongoing 53rd SADC Parliamentary Forum Plenary Assembly Session on Monday, 3rd July 2023 in Arusha, Tanzania, while the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan, officially opened the session.

Honorable Mutti has reiterated the urgency for the region to optimize agricultural production through modernisation and mechanization of production processes and realize the potential to feed not only Africa but the world at large.

She has further implored the SADC Parliamentary Forum to aid the regional integration agenda by continuing to explore innovative ways to address the multiple issues of regional priorities such developing of Model Laws that serve as a guideline to the review of legislation where required.

Speaker Mutti also gave special recognition to the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan for her relentless support and commitment to the regional socioeconomic growth and integration agenda, and the push towards actualizing the potential of Africa as a global player on the world stage.

The Rt. Honorable Ms. Nelly Butete Kashumba Mutti, MP, is in Arusha, Tanzania attending the 53rd SADC Parliamentary Forum Plenary Assembly Session being held from 2nd to 8th July 2023 under the theme “Modernizing Agriculture to address food insecurity and youth unemployment in the SADC Region: Role of Parliaments”. 

Other members of the Zambian delegation include, Honorables Princess Kasune, MP, Mrs. Christine Mazoka, MP, Ms. Julien Nyemba, MP, Mr. Victor Lumayi, MP, Mr. Kalalwe Mukosa, MP and staff of the National Assembly of Zambia.

Issued: Anthony Bwalya
Deputy High Commissioner
Zambia High Commission
Dar Es Salam
United Republic of Tanzania.
4 July 2023

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