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Zambian Police Officers Gear Up for UN Peacekeeping Missions

44 Zambian police officers are preparing to deploy to UN peacekeeping missions in South Sudan and Abyei after undergoing a pre-deployment training course.

Officially opening the training on May 2nd, 2024, Inspector General of Police Graphel Musamba, through Commissioner of Police Mubanga Kaunda, emphasized the importance of the program. 

He urged participants to take the course seriously and gain a thorough understanding of UN peacekeeping principles and guidelines.

The Inspector General commended the strong female representation among the officers, aligning with the UN Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

The pre-deployment training equips officers with the knowledge and skills necessary for serving in UN peacekeeping missions.

Assistant Director of Zambia Police UN/AU Peace Support Operations, Pius Malumo, highlighted the course’s role in enhancing officer readiness, safety awareness, and understanding of field conditions and peacekeeping policies.

All 44 participants successfully completed the UN Assessment for Mission Service conducted in Lusaka last October. The group comprises 20 women and 24 men drawn from various units within the Zambia Police Service.

Deputy Commanding Officer of Zambia Police Training College, Nsofwa Butala, reaffirmed the college’s commitment to providing a supportive learning environment for the officers.

Upon completion of the training, the officers will be deployed to the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

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