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BRRA Approves ZCSA’s Proposal to Declare Over 40 New Compulsory Standards

The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) has approved the Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency’s (ZCSA) proposal to declare over 40 new Zambian Standards as Compulsory Standards. 

This approval follows the submission and finalization of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) Reports by ZCSA.

The newly approved compulsory standards cover a wide range of products including packaging materials, solar products, fertilizers, fish feed, food products, lubricants and fuels, beverages, and certain construction materials. 

BRRA has confirmed that the declaration process adhered to Sections 4, 5, and 6 of the Business Regulatory Act No. 3 of 2014. The primary aim of these compulsory standards is to enhance product safety and protect consumers.

By expanding the number of compulsory standards, ZCSA aims to broaden its regulatory intervention, thereby improving consumer and environmental protection. 

Earlier this year, ZCSA engaged various stakeholders to discuss the proposed declaration of more than 40 new compulsory standards. 

These consultations were part of the process required by the Business Regulatory Act to ensure that the new standards are well-considered and effective.

During the stakeholder consultations, ZCSA provided an overview of the draft standards and discussed their potential impacts. Stakeholders had the opportunity to share their comments, concerns, and suggestions, which were considered in refining the proposed regulations.

Currently, ZCSA regulates 61 products, both imported and locally manufactured, under compulsory standards. These products include food products, beverages, chemical products, fertilizers, and household electrical appliances. The new compulsory standards will expand this regulatory scope significantly.

The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency is a statutory body under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry. It was established by the Compulsory Standards Act No. 3 of 2017 to administer, maintain, and ensure compliance with compulsory standards to protect public safety, health, consumers, and the environment.

This is contained in a statement issued by Onishias Maamba, the Public Relations Officer at Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency.

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