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Over 150 SMEs and Cooperatives Benefit from Training Workshop in Chongwe

The Skills Development and Entrepreneurship Program for Women and Youth (SDEP-WY) recently hosted a transformative three-day training workshop in Chalimbana, Chongwe, drawing over 150 participants from eight industrial yards across seven provinces, including Lusaka, Western, Eastern, North Western, Luapula, Northern, and Copperbelt.

Held from August 18 to 21, the workshop was designed to bolster the capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and cooperatives by providing essential skills and knowledge for business growth and development. 

Key areas covered included formalization, compliance, standardization, branding, marketing, and resilience.

Attendees engaged in sessions focused on critical aspects of modern business, such as digital transformation, e-commerce, business operations and process automation, and online transactions. The training highlighted the importance of integrating technology into business practices to remain competitive.

Additional topics included strategies for business resilience, market linkages, and growth strategies. Participants explored methods for enhancing operational efficiency through forward and backward integration, aiming to improve business development and competition management.

This initiative by SDEP-WY underscores a strong commitment to empowering SMEs and cooperatives, fostering a supportive environment for sustainable growth and innovation across Zambia. The diverse representation from various provinces illustrates a widespread dedication to strengthening the local business ecosystem.

With the insights gained from this intensive training, participating SMEs and cooperatives are expected to implement effective strategies that will enhance their operations and contribute positively to Zambia’s economic development.

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