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ZCSA Strengthens Collaboration with Police to Protect Consumers from Unsafe Products

The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA) has reaffirmed its commitment to safeguarding consumers from unsafe products, emphasizing the health risks posed by such items. 

This declaration was made by ZCSA’s Acting Inspections Manager – Import Quality Monitoring, Kasuba Kasengele, during a meeting with Police Officers from the Intellectual Property Unit (IPU) Lusaka Division.

The meeting, aimed at exploring potential collaboration areas, highlighted the critical role of the Police as key stakeholders in enforcing compulsory standards. 

Kasengele noted that ZCSA, under Section 5 of the Compulsory Standards Act No. 3 of 2017, is mandated to cooperate with government ministries, state institutions, and international organizations in upholding these standards.

Kasengele emphasized the valuable contribution the Police can make, given their law enforcement expertise, particularly in matters related to Intellectual Property (IP).

“The Police are endowed with a competent skill set that is invaluable in our quest to enforce compulsory standards,” he stated, expressing optimism that the partnership with the IPU will enhance consumer protection efforts.

Zambia Police Lusaka Division Deputy Officer In-charge Intellectual Property, Hellen Hikanza, echoed these sentiments, stressing the importance of IP protection for the nation’s economy and consumer safety. 

She noted that effective IP laws are crucial for attracting and securing investments. “No investor would be willing to invest in a country that does not have laws to protect their intellectual property because their investment would not be protected from exploitation,” Hikanza remarked.

Hikanza pledged the IPU’s commitment to collaborating with ZCSA to ensure that only genuine products are available in the Zambian market. She commended the Police Command for facilitating the visit, which aimed to deepen the understanding of ZCSA’s mandate.

The statement was issued by Onishias Maamba, Public Relations Officer for the Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency, highlighting the agency’s ongoing efforts to protect consumers and maintain high standards in product safety across Zambia.

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