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Former President Edgar Lungu Delivers Inspiring Unity Day Address

Today being a Unity Day, former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has delivered a heartfelt and inspiring speech to the nation, emphasizing the importance of unity, peace, and remembrance of Zambia’s forefathers’ sacrifices. The address highlighted the significance of the day and called on all citizens to cherish and uphold the values of unity and diversity that have shaped Zambia’s history.

In his address, Lungu reminded Zambians of the profound sacrifices made by the nation’s forefathers, nearly sixty years ago, to secure the freedom and unity enjoyed today. He urged the nation never to forget the blood, sweat, and tears shed to make this day possible.

“We should never forget the profound sacrifice our forefathers invested in this day and the reason we must celebrate and cherish the UNITY and diversity it encourages. I am sure we all know the saying UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. This mantra must always remind us to hold dear to our hearts, the peace and unity we enjoy today in Zambia. We must never take it for granted,” Lungu stated.

The former president paid tribute to national heroes, including Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Nalumino Mundia, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, and many others, acknowledging their contributions to the nation’s independence and unity. He specifically honored Zanco Mphundu Mutembo, whose legacy is immortalized in the Freedom Statue.

Lungu recounted the story of Zanco’s defiance against colonialists who jailed and threatened him with death if he did not break the chains. Zanco’s indomitable spirit and strength led him to break the chains, symbolizing Zambia’s struggle and victory over oppression.

“Let us use this day to revive and escalate the spirit of nation-building, unity, diversity, and love because we are but ‘One Zambia One Nation,’” Lungu declared.

Reflecting on the wisdom of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, Lungu urged Zambians to reject tribalism and political discrimination, embracing love and unity instead. He quoted Dr. Kaunda’s visit to the United States, where Kaunda emphasized the importance of justice, fair play, and good behavior in politics, and the need to recognize all humans as God’s children, regardless of race or tribe.

“Like Zanco, let us break the chains of tribalism and political discrimination and instead embrace the spirit of love and unity because we only have one Zambia,” Lungu urged.

The speech concluded with Lungu extending his wishes for a happy Unity Day to all Zambians, reinforcing the importance of unity and collective effort in nation-building.

“Happy Unity Day to you all,” he said, signing off as the Sixth President of Zambia.

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