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China Emphasises Strategic Military Cooperation with Mozambique

China’s Minister of Defence, Dong Jun, has highlighted the “strategic importance” of deepening military cooperation with Mozambique during a meeting with Mozambican Defence Minister Cristóvão Chume in Beijing. 

The official Xinhua news agency reported Dong’s remarks, emphasising the significance of bilateral military collaboration in achieving common development and maintaining regional stability.

“Deepening bilateral military cooperation is of strategic significance to achieving common development and maintaining regional stability,” Dong stated. 

He expressed China’s willingness to work with Mozambique to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, strengthen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and elevate military relations to a new level.

Cristóvão Chume reciprocated Dong’s sentiments, noting the enduring friendship between the two militaries. Chume expressed hope for continued strengthening of friendly exchanges and the creation of new highlights in their cooperation.

The partnership between China and Mozambique dates back to 2016 when the two countries signed a Global Strategic Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. This agreement aimed to enhance contacts between their armies, police forces, and intelligence services. 

Beijing committed to supporting Maputo in strengthening its national defence capacity, safeguarding stability, and training military personnel.

China’s historical support for Mozambique extends to the period when Beijing backed the guerrillas of the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo) in their fight against Portuguese colonial rule. 

China was among the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with Mozambique, doing so on the day of its independence, June 25, 1975. 

Source: Lusa

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