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Zambia’s Technology Minister Urges Embrace of AI

Technology and Science Minister Hon. Felix Mutati has called on Zambians to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI), asserting that it is here to stay and will significantly improve everyday life. 

Addressing attendees at the Future of Artificial Intelligence in Africa Global Summit and Expo, Mr. Mutati highlighted AI’s potential to enhance productivity and efficiency across various sectors.

Mr. Mutati underscored AI’s transformative impact on the economy, particularly in enhancing the delivery of medicines, mining operations, and general welfare. 

He urged the public not to fear AI, emphasising its role in making life easier and more efficient.

In line with this vision, the Zambian government is preparing an Artificial Intelligence Strategy. This strategic document aims to guide the nation in effectively utilising AI to improve service delivery and overall quality of life. 

“The strategy is crucial as it will provide a framework for how AI can be leveraged to benefit our society,” Mr. Mutati explained.

Compu Connect Education’s CEO, Sarah Njamu, also spoke at the summit, stressing the importance of AI for Africa. 

She pointed out the continent’s challenges with digital infrastructure, viewing them as opportunities for increased investment in AI technologies. 

“Africa must harness Artificial Intelligence to address its unique challenges and drive growth,” Ms. Njamu stated.

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