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ZNS Efforts Avert Starvation in Western Province, Praises Litunga

His Majesty, the Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II of the Lozi People in Western Province, has praised the Zambia National Service (ZNS) for their outstanding contributions to national food production. This initiative has significantly increased food availability across the country.

During a courtesy visit by ZNS Commander Lieutenant General Maliti Solochi to his Palace on Friday, the Litunga highlighted that ZNS’s focus on food security has not only prevented starvation but also closed the food security gap in both his Province and the nation. This has resulted in higher crop yields and increased mealie meal production.

The Traditional Leader noted that his Chiefdom would have faced severe food shortages if not for ZNS’s timely intervention in meeting the mealie meal demand in the region. He urged ZNS to assist in clearing more land, particularly in Kaoma, to allow more farmers to cultivate staple foods and other crops, thus preventing hunger and ensuring regional food security.

“ZNS’s investment in food security has saved my people from the brink of starvation. They currently rely on maize supplies from Molebezi and Kaoma Districts,” he said.

The Litunga also commended ZNS for revitalising its agricultural sector and milling plants. He pointed out the significant increase in agricultural production at Mangango farm in Kaoma, where the installation of irrigation facilities has enabled year-round cultivation of maize and other high-value crops.

The Litunga further praised ZNS for promoting gender equality within the Service. This was evident from the significant number of high-ranking lady officers in the delegation, showcasing a commitment to inclusivity and equal opportunities.

In response, Lt Gen Solochi informed His Majesty that ZNS has requested Zesco Limited to ensure an uninterrupted power supply to Allied Milling Plants in the Province. The ZNS Commander assured that efforts were ongoing to maintain a stable supply of mealie meal in the Province.

“We have engaged Zesco to provide continuous power to Country Millers and APG, enabling round-the-clock operations for consistent staple food supply in the region,” he said.

Lt Gen Solochi also mentioned that ZNS, in partnership with Country Millers, plans to establish a new milling plant in Kaoma to serve the local population and surrounding areas.

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