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Zambia Addresses Concerns Over Remarks Made by Zimbabwean President Mnangagwa

Zambia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Honourable Mulambo Haimbe, SC, M.P., delivered a ministerial statement to Parliament addressing recent comments made by Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The remarks, captured in a video during a discussion with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Russia’s Economic Forum, have raised significant concerns regarding Zambia’s sovereignty and international relations.

In his address, Minister Haimbe confirmed the authenticity of the video through diplomatic channels and expressed the Zambian government’s grave concerns over President Mnangagwa’s statements.

Mnangagwa had commented on the consolidation of Western power in Zambia and alluded to historical ties between Zambia and Zimbabwe, formerly Northern and Southern Rhodesia.

Haimbe emphasised Zambia’s longstanding support for Zimbabwe, particularly during its liberation movement, highlighting Zambia’s role as a safe haven for those fleeing persecution and the diplomatic efforts of Zambia’s founding father, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, in achieving Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980.

“Zambia is a peace-loving nation whose desire is to pursue friendly relations with all nations,” Haimbe stated, reiterating Zambia’s commitment to maintaining warm relations with Zimbabwe, Russia, the United States, and other international partners.

He noted Zambia’s recent calls for the removal of sanctions against Zimbabwe and the collaborative efforts demonstrated through the Zimbabwe-Zambia Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation (JPCC) and other bilateral engagements.

Haimbe underscored Zambia’s disappointment with Mnangagwa’s remarks, which he deemed inconsistent with the historically warm relations between the two nations. He called for a decisive resolution to the matter, highlighting the importance of neighbourly and peaceful relations.

Addressing relations with Russia, Haimbe noted the enduring diplomatic ties between Zambia and Russia, dating back to Zambia’s independence in 1964.

He reaffirmed Zambia’s commitment to maintaining balanced and amicable relations with both Eastern and Western partners, advocating for a mediated resolution to any issues.

“We wish to reiterate that as a sovereign state, we have no interest in moving away from our longstanding warm relations with either Zimbabwe, Russia, or our Western partners,” Haimbe asserted, calling for regional intervention to address the concerns.

Haimbe concluded by affirming Zambia’s dedication to economic diplomacy, peace, security, and stability in the region, while firmly protecting its sovereignty.

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