AfricaBreaking News

Nigeria Backs Mubita Nawa for INTERPOL Secretary General

Zambia’s Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mubita Nawa, Africa’s endorsed candidate for the position of Secretary-General of the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL), has concluded a successful visit to Nigeria.

Led by Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe, Special Envoy for the President of Zambia, and supported by Zambia’s High Commissioner to Nigeria, Ambassador George Muhali Imbuwa, the campaign team engaged with key Nigerian authorities. 

Meetings were held with Ambassador Yusuf M. Tuggar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Interior, including Professor Mukhtar Abdulkadir and Dr. Folawiyo Kareem Olajoku.

The team also had insightful discussions with Mr. Garba Baba Umar, INTERPOL’s Vice President for Africa, and members of INTERPOL National Central Bureau Abuja. 

These interactions underscored the importance of Africa taking on a leadership role within INTERPOL to address transnational organised crime and unique regional challenges.

The Nigerian officials praised Mr. Nawa’s extensive 29-year career in law enforcement, highlighting his rare expertise and experience in multicultural and volatile regions, including his work with INTERPOL’s regional bureau for Southern Africa. 

They acknowledged the potential of Mr. Nawa’s vision to bridge global policing disparities and tackle issues such as cybercrime, terrorism, and human trafficking with informed local insights. 

The campaign team is now headed to Windhoek, Namibia, continuing Zambia’s quest to produce the first-ever African Secretary-General of INTERPOL.

This is contained in a statement issued by the High Commission of the Republic of Zambia, Abuja, Nigeria.

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