AfricaBreaking NewsHealth

Stakeholders Convene to Address Gender-Based Violence in Itezhi Tezhi

The Ministry of Health in Itezhi Tezhi district, Zambia convened a pivotal gender-based violence (GBV) stakeholders engagement meeting at Zesco’s recreation centre. 

The gathering united five local Chiefs, District Commissioner Tobias Namantemba, Council Secretary Benson Bweenje, and various government stakeholders to tackle the pressing issue of GBV in the district.

In his opening remarks, District Commissioner Namantemba highlighted the detrimental impact of GBV on the district’s development, urging all present to intensify their efforts in combating these cases, which he noted are currently insufficiently addressed.

Dr. Joseph Tembo, the Town Council Health Services Director, articulated the meeting’s objectives, emphasising the necessity for collaborative efforts among stakeholders. 

He called for greater involvement from local Chiefs and stressed the importance of addressing the delayed reporting of GBV incidents. 

Dr. Tembo also advocated for the establishment of safe houses within the district to provide refuge and support for GBV survivors.

The meeting, held on Friday, sought to engage community members and deliberate on strategies to effectively combat gender-based violence in Itezhi Tezhi.

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