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Historic Ground-Breaking Ceremony for Lomahasha and Namaacha Cross-Border Water Supply Project

The Governments of Eswatini and Mozambique, in collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC), have officially launched the construction of the Lomahasha and Namaacha (LoNa) Cross-Border Water Supply Project. 

This significant undertaking, valued at €16 million, marks the second transboundary bulk water supply project under the SADC Regional Fund for Water Infrastructure and Basic Sanitation (SADC Water Fund).

The project, managed by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and funded through the SADC-German Regional Development Cooperation via KfW Development Bank, aims to address the acute water scarcity in the border towns of Lomahasha and Namaacha. 

Climate change has exacerbated the water shortages in these regions, necessitating the drawing of water from the Mbuluzi River, located 34km away.

Once completed, the project is set to benefit over 40,000 residents in both towns. It will involve the establishment of pipelines, reservoirs, water-pumping stations, and bulk water distribution points, ensuring sustainable access to potable water and enhancing climate resilience through shared infrastructure. 

Jabulile Mashwama, Managing Director of Eswatini Water Services Corporation, expressed pride in the groundbreaking initiative, highlighting its significance in regional cooperation and commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 6. 

“This project represents a vital step towards sustainable water access and climate resilience, reinforcing our mandate to provide essential water and sanitation services,” Mashwama stated. 

The National Director of Water Supply and Sanitation of Mozambique emphasised the project’s profound impact on the communities. 

“This initiative transcends infrastructure; it brings hope and a better future for Lomahasha and Namaacha residents. By securing clean water, we are enhancing health, quality of life, and economic development,” he noted, expressing gratitude to all partners involved. 

Elias M. Magosi, Executive Secretary of SADC, lauded the project as a testament to the unwavering commitment of Eswatini and Mozambique to uplift living standards through regional integration and development. 

“Aligned with SADC Vision 2050 and other strategic plans, this project underscores the critical role of water infrastructure in our industrialisation efforts,” Magosi remarked. 

Chuene Ramphele, Group Executive of DBSA’s Infrastructure Delivery Division, reaffirmed the bank’s dedication to sustainable development. “By positively impacting 30,000 lives, this project exemplifies regional cooperation in addressing climate resilience and critical infrastructure needs,” Ramphele said. 

Dr. Michael Feiner, Chargé d’Affaires at the German Embassy to Mozambique, highlighted the project’s role in mitigating the effects of climate change. 

“This cross-border cooperation showcases how regional partnerships can bolster resilient water infrastructure,” he said. Silke Stadtmann, KfW Country Director for Southern Africa, celebrated the project’s commencement as a milestone of planning and collaboration.

Financed by the SADC Water Fund, with a total commitment of €45 million from German Cooperation and contributions from the Eswatini and Mozambique governments, the Lomahasha and Namaacha Cross-Border Water Supply Project represents a pivotal step towards a sustainable and water-secure future for both nations.

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