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Strengthened Bilateral Ties Between Mozambique and Zambia Urged by Home Affairs Permanent Secretary

The Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Josephs Akafumba, has called for the strengthening of bilateral relations between Mozambique and Zambia. 

His remarks came during a courtesy visit by a delegation from Mozambique’s Ministries of Defence and Home Affairs, led by His Excellency Brigadier General Chongo, at the ministry’s headquarters.

Mr. Akafumba highlighted the enduring relationship between the two nations, emphasizing the responsibility of current leaders to further enhance this longstanding friendship. 

“Instability in one country is instability everywhere,” he stated, underscoring the interconnected nature of regional peace and security. 

He praised the Southern African Development Community (SADC) for its proactive measures in assisting Mozambique, stressing the importance of collective efforts to restore peace in the region.

General Vidigal, speaking on behalf of the Mozambican delegation, expressed gratitude for Zambia’s support through the deployment of its troops as part of the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM). 

He lamented the seven years of terrorist threats that have plagued Mozambique but noted significant progress has been made. 

“We have made headway and are hopeful that the measures being implemented will restore peace,” General Vidigal said, commending Zambia’s commitment to regional stability.

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