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Tanzanian High Commissioner Visits SADC Secretariat to Discuss Regional Cooperation

On May 22nd, 2024, His Excellency Mr. Gillawa Bwana, the High Commissioner of the United Republic of Tanzania to the Republic of Botswana and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), paid a courtesy call to the SADC Secretariat. 

The visit underscored Tanzania’s commitment to fostering regional integration and cooperation. Mr. Bwana was received by Dr. Judith Kateera, Deputy Executive Secretary for Corporate Affairs, who represented the SADC Executive Secretary.

During the meeting, both parties emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts between Member States and the SADC Secretariat to expedite the implementation of the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP 2020-2030) and to achieve the SADC Vision 2050.

These frameworks aim to promote sustainable development and regional integration over the next few decades.

Dr. Kateera expressed profound gratitude for Tanzania’s longstanding support for regional integration and development, a legacy that dates back to the liberation struggle led by Tanzania’s first President, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere. 

She highlighted Tanzania’s pivotal role in maintaining peace and security within the region, specifically acknowledging its efforts in hosting the SADC Regional Counter-Terrorism Centre (SADC RCTC). This center plays a crucial role in coordinating and enhancing regional responses to terrorism and violent extremism.

Ambassador Bwana reaffirmed Tanzania’s unwavering commitment to regional peace, security, and integration. He also expressed his appreciation for the adoption of Kiswahili as one of SADC’s official languages, a move that signifies the cultural and linguistic integration within the community.

Additionally, Ambassador Bwana encouraged SADC Member States to leverage the SADC Pooled Procurement Services (SPPS), managed by Tanzania’s Medical Stores Department. 

The SPPS aims to optimize the procurement of essential medicines and health commodities by capitalizing on economies of scale, thereby ensuring better access and cost-effectiveness for member countries.

The visit by Ambassador Bwana highlights the continued dedication of Tanzania to fostering a united and prosperous Southern African region through strategic partnerships and collective action.

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