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Paramount Chief Chitimukulu Calls for Enhanced Support for the Drug Enforcement Commission

His Royal Highness, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba People, made a significant appeal yesterday for greater support for Zambia’s Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC).

During a courtesy visit to the DEC’s Director General, Mr. Nason Banda, Chief Chitimukulu commended the Commission for its substantial achievements in combating drug-related offences and money laundering.

In his address, the Paramount Chief lauded the ongoing awareness campaigns and enforcement measures that have visibly impacted local communities.

A staunch advocate for societal issues, Chief Chitimukulu reaffirmed his dedication to the fight against crime in his role as a goodwill ambassador for the DEC.

He stressed the importance of promoting a clear message against drug abuse and underscoring the dire consequences associated with it.

Chief Chitimukulu called for increased funding for the DEC, advocating for the establishment of Commission offices in every district across the nation.

He emphasised the critical role traditional leaders play in sensitisation efforts, noting that their influence is vital for spreading awareness and eradicating drug abuse at the grassroots level.

His appeal for expanded resources and involvement of traditional leaders signals a comprehensive strategy to tackle the drug problem from the ground up.

In response, Mr. Nason Banda, the DEC’s Director General, acknowledged the invaluable role of traditional leaders in the fight against drug trafficking and abuse.

He affirmed that the Commission greatly values its partnership with traditional authorities and intends to continue engaging them actively.

Mr. Banda also highlighted that alongside combating drug-related crimes, the DEC implements robust money laundering prevention programmes, noting the close connection between drug trafficking and money laundering.

The meeting between His Royal Highness and the Director General marks a strengthened alliance between traditional leadership and law enforcement agencies in Zambia.

Both parties expressed a shared commitment to enhancing the effectiveness of drug enforcement initiatives and educating communities about the dangers of drug abuse.

This collaboration is expected to bolster the Commission’s efforts and lead to significant progress in the national fight against illicit drug cultivation, production, trafficking, and abuse.

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