
Call for Solar Energy Investment in Public Universities to Combat Power Outages

In light of the frequent power outages and load-shedding disrupting the learning environment in public universities and colleges, Misheck Mumba, President General of the National Resource Development College (NRDC), has called for a sustainable energy solution. 

Mumba advocates for the government’s investment in solar energy to ensure a reliable and green energy source for institutions of higher learning.

Highlighting the crucial role that public universities and colleges play in shaping the nation’s future, Mumba emphasised the detrimental impact of inconsistent power supply on academic progress. 

He proposes the installation of solar panels in all public institutions to harness the power of the sun, thereby reducing dependence on the erratic grid power and moving towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

“Let’s empower our institutions with solar energy and enlighten the path to a brighter, more sustainable education system,” Mumba urged. 

He underlined the dual benefits of this initiative: ensuring uninterrupted power supply for educational activities and contributing to environmental sustainability. 

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